When you want to protect your intellectual property from theft, you need a reliable registered patent agent. RB Consulting, Inc., offers patent obtainment and patent prosecution services to keep your intellectual property safe.
Rely on Our Expert Registered Patent Agent
A patent agent works with the United States Trademark and Patent Office directly to secure patents for individuals’ and businesses’ inventions and intellectual property.
Here are some services our registered patent agent can help you with:
- Fill out the patent application correctly and fully.
- Research similar patents and inventions to ensure no property infringement.
- Be a mediator between the patent office and the client.
- Help client respond to patent questions or patent application rejection.
- Brainstorm and implement a strategy to protect intellectual property.
Our registered patent agent can help answer all your questions and concerns about obtaining your patent.
Turn to RB Consulting, Inc., for All Your Patent Needs
RB Consulting helps every industry from art to software, medical to food secure patents for their intellectual property. We work with you to develop a customized strategy to protect your rights against intellectual property infringement. This can include market and portfolio assessments, perimeter protection, and the TRIZ process.
All of these together give you a robust protection plan when someone tries to encroach on your intellectual property.
Speak to Our Registered Patent Agent Today
If you have an invention or intellectual property you want patented, you know whom to turn to. RB Consulting, Inc. can help you with your patent application from start to finish and provide a comprehensive assessment and strategic plan to help protect your patent.
Call us at (803) 792-2183, email us at jim@rbconsulting.us, or fill out our online form to get in touch. We’re happy to answer any questions and concerns you may have. We’re dedicated to protecting your intellectual property rights.